Rushton's Gambit

I was listening to I'm Sorry I haven't A Clue and 'Rushton's Gambit' was used in the pseudo game Mornington Crescent which for those of you who have yet to hear, is a game that parodies the complexities of serious games by being played as if it has many rules but in fact has none. Players apparently obeying the non-existent rules and using clever stratagems, call out at random various stations of the London Underground- the winner being the first to say 'Mornington Crescent'. A typically English bit of idiocy which was why Willie Rushton was the perfect player and 'Rushton's Gambit' was therefore named after him.
Rushton was a grinning wild eyed cartoonist and one of the co-founders of Private Eye, but what I remember him most for was the animated show The Trap Door, which he voiced all the characters (much like Kenneth Williams in Willow The Wisp). It had a running time of about three minutes thirty and had no real plot to speak of other than it centred around a blue blob of plasticine called Berk who was responsible for feeding 'The Thing Upstairs', whilst his sidekick Boni, (an animated Yorick) made disparaging remarks and some manner of 'horrible thing' emerged from a trap door to mess up Berks plans.
I found them on You Tube (yes it's back in favour with me now) and someone has kindly put the entire series up. You can see the first episode here.
Funny...I went to "Mornington Crescent" yesterday for the first time in what must have been 10 years. I just remember it being a station that was always closed! A handy stop if you want the Campden thing without going to Camden!
Good old Willie "The Trap Door" is one of those lost classics. Thanks for reminding me!...z
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