The end?

Haven't really felt like posting anything for a while. I've been caught up in the world of property and have become obsessed with money. It was inevitable. I'm a greedy capitalist pig with the remnants of past socialist ideals crusting on my chin, amongst foies gras and Swan feathers. Nevermind, maybe I'll be a good capitalist like Dick Branson- That's where Murdoch went wrong. If he'd just grown a beard he'd have the world loving him.
Anyway I haven't been surfing the usual sights recently untill I was introduced to TV Links
It's a good site, but be prepared - any TV series (most anyway) that were on YouTube have gone. I went and had another look at Youtube and in the last couple of months they have stripped it clean. Most TV episodes have been removed - South Park, Curb, Seinfeld. Increasingly you are treated to loads of Yanks reinacting their favourite moments, or talking about them. That's fine, but tight wads like me need free stuff! Anyway you can link to series like Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Spaced, Black Books - so go to TV links and download them now. Otherwise email me and I'll send you some.
This is obviously an example of the way the net will go. We've all read about the big buyouts but perhaps we've assumed that the internet is something solid and unshakeable, an organism dependent soley on its users. It's not. It's a big phoneline; dependent on a few service providers who want to maximise profit and in doing so limit the relative equality of the net. All that we know of this electronic world could change and most probably will, not necessarily for the better. anyway there's some hope - Youtube are still showing a couple of interesting shorts on Net Neutrality here and here.
We may moan about ads and bugs but the net is something quite amazing and maybe we take it for granted.
Just as a footnote - I've been looking at what the issue would mean for the UK and found the Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar: Net Neutrality in the UK - 20th March 2007 here and it's sponsor and one of the key speakers?????? well let's just say that logo above aint there cos it looks pretty.

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