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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

When Harvey met Larry

So I go round to this guy’s house. I met him a few times over the past year and we’d talked a bit about writing and music. He's a nice bloke and I wanted to get to know him better.

I turn up and immediately I'm stuck for something to talk about. He's an intellectual and I'm just someone who dicks around with words. I'm too scared to discuss a book I'm reading at the moment. I read one of Ishiguro’s other books before and despite the narrative using a very distinctive if somewhat awkward voice - I found it an enjoyable and thought provoking read, but I couldn't bring myself to discuss the problems I have with the other Ishiguro, so I just made a bit of small talk and he put on a video.

What do you do in the video situation? It was a sitcom. Can you talk over a sitcom? Talking over a film is a no no, but a sitcom? Was it a deliberate move to have some background noise and allow chat to happen? Naturally I'm mulling this over and in retrospect I should have just asked, it may have led to an interesting discussion on the etiquette surrounding the sitcom. Instead I sat there and laughed. Maybe I was laughing too loud? I had to check myself a couple of times. Too much laughter says ‘I need this to be funny’, not enough and you could look bored.

I had brought some Penguin biscuits from a 100% extra free pack I’d bought earlier that day. I was going to make an offering of them, but there was something too cheap about them. They didn't come in the original red wrapper, because they were the 100% free pack. I left them in the bag, berating myself for my unintended cheapness and cowardice.

Then his flatmate turns up. I didn't bring any beer, but this guy did, which just compounded my guilt further, so I declined a beer, opting for water - maybe as some sort of gesture. To whom this gesture was being made, I don't know.

Then I started to think about my feet. I could just smell them inside my big steel toe caps and was sure the stench of work was still on me. What was I doing going empty handed into this guys house with rotten feet, nothing to say for myself and half a packet of biscuits?

On the way home I past by a drunk who was alone in the freezing cold, shouting at some swans and he helped to put things into perspective.

I'm a dumb schmuck, but a lucky one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, dont put so much pressure on Harvey. We are awkard as humans and I like the way that your story neatly communicates this. I am sure next time Harvey and Larry meet it will be easier.

Thursday, November 23, 2006  
Blogger Karl said...

Yeah man, fuck's sake, etc. It was good. Talk all you like over sitcoms - nothing's sacred, etc. Man, you were welcome then, and you're welcome anytime. Break out the Penguins the next time, though. See you over the weekend?

Friday, November 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that fucker is an intellectual then I want my money back. Bloody college kids with their big vaginas

Saturday, November 25, 2006  

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