Sleepless - 196 hours and 16 minutes

Moving carefully so as not to dislodge any of the electrodes on his scalp, Doctor X reached for another 200mg of Ritalin and 100mg of Modafinil. He popped the pills into his mouth and washed them down with a tepid glass of water that had been ice only a few minutes before.
It was a hot July afternoon and the worn dry grass of the playing field outside was skinning the local children’s knees. He listened to their sporadic yelps and looked out across the rooftops from his small office window; surveying the heat shimmering tangle of aerials, sat dishes, redundant chimneys, and air conditioning units. He’d been awake for 196 hours and 16 minutes.
The EEG hummed noisily and he watched as the readout began to change. An increase in Beta and Gamma waves and a familiar sensation in his underpants suggested another period of sexual arousal. The Modafinil began to throb through him and reaching down into his trousers he pinched the head of his erect member, until the pain caused him to diminish. He checked the time, his heart rate and blood pressure, before entering the information into a spreadsheet. The frequency of arousal was increasing, he made an entry into his blog.
‘The Ritalin is still performing as well as I’d hoped. I crave sleep less and less. Experiencing increased cycles of sexual excitation, without any of the pleasant sensations - my physical experience of ejaculation is akin to a nosebleed - a form of sexual anhedonia.’
Soon he would feel another hypnagogic jerk, the falling sensation felt during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. He was beginning to like it. It may not have been sleep but it was the nearest thing to it, like a junkie going through the preparations to shoot up, his body jerked anew and he remembered the sensation of sleep. It was a small comfort to him.
He looked into the web cam and smiled wearily. Out in cyber space was a collection of friends and strangers who were paying, in various ways, to witness his experiment live.
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