Net Leeches
So here we are. Hooked up to the vast communication network and what are we doing with it? Rather what am I doing with it? Often my use of the internet feels like that of a leech. I suck onto it, extract whatever I need and drop off when I'm sufficiently sated.
This is very much a one way interaction. Watching other people use the internet to communicate with each other and occasionally remarking to myself how rather jolly and wonderful the whole 'community' is. However I don't seem to view it as a community and it could be if I chose to interact with it.
What amazes me is that I'm sitting here alone and I'm still fearful of fully expressing myself, despite the fact that you can't see me, hear me, smell me or perish the thought touch me. Why? What have I got to lose? I know that physical interaction is not one of my strongest points. I've always found writing easier, but it's rare that I even do that and I come across so many net created opportunities to communicate. I know I'm not alone in this. Are you a net leech?
I've recently started making my first tentative steps to communicating with strangers and I don't know what the outcome will be, but it feels good to enter into a symbiotic relationship that may not just benefit me.
If you are a net leech and want to communicate then send me a link to your site or make a comment below.
How can Wallace Town be a better place for communication?
Maybe organise some kind of net jumble sale. Get everybody in a virtual church hall and sell old jumpers to each other. Ken
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