Land of the free....pictorial theme continued

America is a very fine place to be if you are white, male, in possession of money and have a sturdy bladder. However if , like me, your bladder occupies most of your waking and sleeping hours you'd best forget living here and go home - back to the stinking miles of beautiful ceramic pissers and the acres of rattling shit caked chipboard. Yes,
I truly miss the freedom to urinate without waiting (anybody that suggests a catheter, can piss off.....ha).
Needless to say I had high expectations of American public toilets, but they have failed every time. Sure they're clean, warm, and fragrant, but every bar I have been to has only ever provided one room and this, in places that sell ale by the pint or 16oz whatever that means. How can you sell that much liquid repeatedly and not make adequate provision for its bodily ejection? It's crazy but the problem doesn't stop there, the 'mono-stall' also means the toileting experience lacks something else and that' I miss the banter, the gas, the stray splash, the many variations of the standing waggle, this common experience is an essential part of what unites us peoples of 'The Isles'. We don't need banners, flag pins and hands on hearts to forge that common bond, we just need a smelly room and the chance to stand (or sit) and share our relief. God bless our United Toilets.
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