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Friday, December 19, 2008

Clueless Wallace

I am in a park, trying to ignore this wretched cold. A thin man - the corner of his mouth encrusted with food -approaches me:

Thin Man: Where are you from?
Me: England
TM: Are you married?
Me: Yes
TM: Ohh you´re married....Do you have problems in the bed at night?
M: Pardon?
TM:Do you have sexual problems?
M: That´s a very stange question!
TM: You think so?
M: Yes. Do you have problems?
TM: Yes I have problems sometimes with my wife.
M: This is a strange conversation.
TM: Hmm hmm
M: So what are you doing now?
TM: I sell socks and underpants to shops. Do you wear underpants?
M: Excuse me?
TM: Some people don´t wear underpants.
M: No, I always where them, especially here, it´s cold.
TM: Yes it´s cold. Did you ever have a beard?
M: Yes, I used to have beard.
TM: Do you have a hairy chest?
M: What?
TM: Some men don´t have hairy chests, some do.
M:Yes, that´s true.
TM: Do you have hairy legs?
M:Not really, I think they are normal.
TM: I don´t have hair on my legs. (He shows me)
M: Hmm
TM: Do you like women that shave their legs? (He motions to his thighs)
M: I suppose so.
TM: And women who shave here? (He points to his crotch).
(By this time I´m beginning to cop on)
M: Err?
TM: Some shave there hair here (points again), do yo...
M: I have to meet a friend.........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had met the local playboy. You should have dropped your pants and showed him your crack! Only ofcourse if you had a severe case of the squits - that would have given him a very direct answer.

John Chaff Nut

Saturday, December 20, 2008  

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