Wallace Churchill
Today I spent a great deal of time reading anything I could find by critics of climate change and

So what did I learn? Well not surprisingly I learnt that there is a small group of scientists and lay-people who think that man isn't responsible for climate change. One of them, the very vocal Viscount Monckton of Brenchley published his 'findings' in The Telegraph last year. To a layman like myself they are quite persuasive - largely because he uses lots of complex terms and whilst they're incomprehensible to me, it has the feel of learned scientific investigation. Later I found myself asking why it was that a Viscount, a product of the lazy landed gentry, had chosen a career in science. On a little bit more tinternet sifting it turns out that Monckton has no scientific training. The scientific community has largely laughed him out of the laboratory and to add insult to injury there are questions over his 'sponsors'. This is not to say that there aren't real scientists who do think man has a direct link to climate change. The IPCC and hundreds of eminent scientists just could be wrong, so what do we do?
I kept thinking of Neville Chamberlain waving his piece of paper and later the thin smile that quickly broke as Mr Hitler carried on with his plans for Czechoslovakia. Its not such a terrible analogy (maybe it is but sod it) - we are faced with similar circumstances. We can take the gamble and trust those few voices that say we have no part to play in climate change and carry on as before; or we can rise from what is largely our own apathy and try and clean up some of the mess around us. Is this the way we want to leave the world? I am of the opinion that as gambles go it is better to be forewarned and forearmed - we don't have to give up a great deal, just look at ways we can minimise the damage we do now and in the future. How hard can it be?
I make these changes now and there is still a small chance that future generations of Wallace's can bound over hill and dale - happy in the knowledge that a fat ancestor didn't sit on his laurels because he couldn't run the risk of being wrong.
Hi Mark
Yes you might want to see if you can get your eyes on a copy of the channel 4 programme the Great Global Warming Swindle aired on channel 4 last year which went some way to disputing all the scientists evidence on the causes of global warming and poo pooing Al Gore's film an Inconvenient Truth. Basically they said it was all a load of baloney keeping scientists in a job.
Check it out............
I like trees.......... Matt
I read about that. The scientific community has reacted angrily to Durkin's documentary, butI think it's important that there is a continuing debate.
I would question his motives: The guy (Durkin) has his own production company that he's keen to keep in business so any kind of media stir is future commissions and pound signs.
Having said that I read elsewhere he was a massive commie. This is the glory of mass communication and the vast opportunities for us to lead and be misled.
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