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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

It's not over....

..of course it's not...this is just the start. Now we have to wait and see what job the Teeth Lady gets. Then there's all the posturing that Wooden Vet and the Wing Nut will do

  • Loads of pictures of the young POW in fatigues and shoulder to shoulder with other smiling war heroes.
  • Loads of pictures of the young BHO in rolled up sleeves with smiling inner city children and poor people.
  • Loads of pictures of the hoarse HRC in relaxed pantsuit with smiling women democrats and blue collar workers.

Basically expect more of the same.

I sound bitter, but I'm not. If I'm honest I'm pleased with the result - this is probably due to self-administered brain washing - or maybe I'm just sick of seeing Bill Clinton doing his Dukes of Hazard thing but sod's been entertaining (Gem would say diverting) so far and there's another 5 months of:

Dumbly staring at Obama trying to work out who he reminds me of (it's Godzuki at the moment).
Dumbly staring at McCain waiting for him to do that strange pumping thing he does with his arms at rallies.
Dumbly staring at MSNBC and becoming infatuated with Tim Russert's caged optimism
Dumbly staring at the finish line without really having thought what this is going to mean in the long run...

Because realistically the US election isn't going to be about optimistic regime change. This is going to be about some poor sod trying to keep his head above the sewage that is: a desperately failing economy, a war on 'Terra', climate change, nuclear muscle flexing and a very ill Britney Spears....can't wait.

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